52 Weeks Of Email & Social Media Content Done For You 😍

Get Traffic, Build Your Authority, And Convert Your Clients!


One Whole Year of Email & Social Media post templates written for you...

Create an endless flow of traffic all year long with Engaging, Trust-building, Promotional, Storytelling, Educational and Empowering content, and so much more...



The Ultimate Money Making Content Engine to Build Your Social Media Presence, nurture your email list and make money

...without having to spend hours staring at a blank wall trying to create content.

Posting online & nurturing your email list is about to get so much simpler.

number 1

Get instant access to The Money Making Content Engine

with 100 email & social media content templates that helps you build your audience & converts them into clients.

The Money MAking Content Engine
number 2

Choose a template and follow the prompts

to keep your audience engaged telling your story and have them ready to take action.

Content Template

Hit publish and build your dream business

one email, and one social media post at a time, with more traffic, more engaging audience, and more clients.

Content Template

The Money Making Content Engine includes 100 fill-in-the-blank email templates, and 100 social media content templates in 6 strategic categories for the perfect customer journey of your dream client.

Category 1
Engaging content template

😍20 Engaging Email Templates

😍20 Engaging Social Media Content Templates

😍This or That! You Must Choose!

😍Is [option 1] or [option 2] more important to you?

😍Would you be tempted if you were offered [something they want]?

and much more...

Category 2
Trust building content

😍14 Trust-Building Email Templates

😍14 Trust Building Social Media Content Templates

😍Looking for a bullet proof solution?

😍The just want to [something unethical]! but here's what you need to know.

😍Got [problem]? I've got a solution for you!

and much more...

Category 3
Promotional content

😍15 Promotional Email Templates

😍15 Promotional Social Media Content Templates

😍Feeling a change? Don't miss out on this.

😍This isn't for you!

😍Something special for you.

and much more...

Category 4
Storytelling content

😍18 Storytelling Email Templates

😍18 Storytelling Social Media Content Templates

😍It all changed when...

😍I almost gave up until..

😍Pst...I can't keep this to myself...

and much more...

Category 5
Educational Content

😍19 Educational Email Templates

😍19 Educational Social Media Content Templates

😍How to [get a benefit] in just [#] easy steps.

😍I failed! Then finally I did this!

😍[Reaching their goal] Expectations VS Reality!

and much more...

Category 6
Empowering content

😍14 Empowering Email Templates

😍14 Empowering Social Media Content Templates

😍Reaching [their goal] IS possible for you.

😍Turn [their goal] into reality.

😍Imagine waking up tomorrow with [them having reached their goal].

and much more...

Here's what's inside


20 Engaging Email and Social Media Content Templates.
Enganging content

These quick and easy email & social media posts are perfect when you're short on time, need to keep your audience engaged, boost your content to new audiences and grow your brand awareness every time.

Use these templates to skyrocket your engagement and keep the algorithm happy.

14 Trust- Building Email and Social Media Content Templates.

When you want to build trust with your potential customers and establish a relationship with them. Because when they trust someone, it becomes effortless to buy, and they will keep returning for more.

Use these templates to make your audience trust you more, and make them feel safe to buy from you.

15 Promotional Email and Social Media Content Templates.

Sell your products, offers, and services without feeling salesy. Persuade your audience with engaging, and storytelling content that will have them say "Take my money" faster than you can say "Buy my offers"!

Use these templates to cross-sell, and up-sell them with all your offers.

18 Storytelling Email and Social Media Content Templates.

Keep them coming for more with stories that are so good, they can't wait for more...because who doesn't love a good story?

Blow away your competition and stand out with your own stories. And make your audience notice you faster than any other competitors.

19 Educational Email and Social Media Content Templates.

Use these templates to educate your audience on your offers, how they work, how they can benefit from them, and what the outcome would be.

Educate them on industry news and what mistakes they are making that are holding them back from reaching their goals.

Because people love brands who educate them and appreciate those who look out for their best interests.

14 Empowering Email and Social Media Content Templates.

You've got this!!!

Empowerment is so powerful! It moves people. It makes them feel so deeply.

These templates will empower your audience and make them feel seen, special, appreciated, heard, loved, and ready to act.

Use these templates to boost your audience's morale, and watch the cha-ching ringing faster than you can pick up a phone call.

No more wondering what to write about. With the story framework you'll have endless ideas at your fingertips so you can write a story your audience will love to read.

Choose the type of post you want to write based on your mood, the time you have, and your goals.

😍 Know exactly why you're writing each story, and how it will help selling your offers.

😍 Work when and how you want with confidence that your stories are being read.

😍 The framework is designed to produce on-demand story ideas that will scale your business.

That gives you a complete content strategy with 100 email & 100 social media content templates you can use any time you want...

...all in a format that is easier for your audience to understand and relate with you, making it easier for them to take action, sign up to your email list, and buy your products & offers.

Imagine how much time and stress you'll save!

Not only are the templates designed to boost your brand awareness, establish trust, but they're designed to convert your audience without feeling salesy, and scale your business one email and one post at a time.

Even better?! You can use the templates over and over to create content:

🥰 Talking reels

🥰 Social Media Captions

🥰 Carousels

🥰 Blog Posts

🥰 And more...

Inside The Money-Making Content Engine you'll see how easily is to repurpose everything to reach a broader audience, get even more clicks, and sell your offers with little to no extra effort.

You'll have a year's worth of strategic email & social media post templates that will keep your audience coming for more.

And you can use them over and over again, adding vaule, generating traffic, establishing a relationship and selling your offers effortlessly.

Here's a closer look at the templates

Each template uses high-converting storytelling structure so you can plug-n-play your way to more leads and customers without having to figure out what to say.

Just follow the copy prompts & examples, fill in the blanks, and hit post.

Here's what you won't find inside The Money Making Content Templates.

❌ Generic templates that mostly fill the calendar with holidays.

❌ A list of email & social media posts on what you should be posting on your own.

❌ Only one type of template that bores you & your audience.

Get instant access to The Money Making Content Templates

One time payment. Lifetime access.
30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
With hundreds of emails and social media posts under the belt, I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't...

When it comes to email marketing, and posting on social media, busy entrepreneurs need to:

😍 Connect the copy to business goals so you'll know your readers will take the next step with you to become a fan and buy something from you.

😍 Post content that taps into the reader's psychology, so you don't waste your time writing posts that don't convert.

😍 Save hundreds of hours creating content, so you can focus on other things that are more important to you.

Imagine how it would feel...

😍 to have more FREEDOM!

😍 to have more TIME!

😍 to have more MONEY!

😍 to have more HAPPINESS!

😍 to have LESS work!

😍 to have LESS stress!

😍 to have stronger relationships with your audience, and your customers!

The shortcut to staying consistent with your email & social media content, and having a PROVEN solution to help you CONNECT and CONVERT!

For a fraction of price on a small biz budget!

Hi! I'm Frida.

Back up to September 2019 real quick... when I first decided I wanted to build my own online business. 😌

I sure did not know what the heck I was in for. 🤯

The constant content creation was exhausting, not to mentioned the hundred of times the content would flank. 😢

After what felt like a combined 200 thousand hours of pulling my hair out, I realized something… I didn't have THE content that would resonate with my ideal client. 😨

I was super "busy"... I was "doing everything" but not doing anything (you know what I mean right?!?!) 🫠

I'll never forget the moment when I decided it was time for my own big break. Time to make it real.

Time to stop "trying". 🤨

I put my head down and went to work. I figured out what I needed to do to make all my content really work.

And that's what I did. 😎

Today, my business is consistently generating clients from my content organically. 😍

So how did I do it? What was it that I figured out I needed?

Ahhhh... and THIS is exactly why you're here!

That's why I created The Money Making Content Templates to take the guesswork out of creating content that truly resonates with your audience and converts. So you can share your expertise, build trust with your audience, empower them, promote your products and services and convert them into your clients..🥰

I'm sure it would feel so darn good!

But don't just take my word for it.

Here are some small biz owners just like you who have taken advantege of this amazing offer.🥰

Take a peak at everything included in Done-For-You

Money Making Content Templates

The all-in-one Email & Social media content solution from ideas, content templates you can use in any format and platform. And above all to help you get Seen and Selling with ease.

Here is a breakdown

Meet The Money Making Content Engine

😍 100 Email Scripts $99 Value

😍 100 Social Media Scripts $95 Value

😍Bonus#1 75 Eye Catching Hooks $69 Value

😍Bonus#2 75 Unique Content Ideas $68 Value

😍Bonus#3 100 Persuasive Subject Lines $89 Value

😍Bonus#4 Story Framework with endless ideas so you can write stories your audience will love to read. $79 Value

Total Value $499

Today's Price $37

Who is this for?

✅ Small business owners who are tired of trying to do everything on their own.

✅ Service based business owners who are tired of not being seen, and want to sell their services.

✅ Product based business owners who don't have the time to create content consistly.

I need to make sure you're not missing what's going on here...🤔

This is NOT a course on creating content.

This is NOT about teaching you how to create content.

This IS a Money Making Content Engine of 100% customizable, plug and play, Done For You resources.

If you can copy and paste, you can do this!

Here's what they have to say!🥰

Did I mentioned you're getting bonuses too?!😭


😍 75 Eye - Catchy - Hooks

Imagine this:

You're going fishing, but you don't have a hook...

How many fishes would you catch???


Hooks are underrated, but if you can hook your audience in the first 2 seconds you can keep them hooked with high quality content scripts.

And the more they spend time on your content, the more they'll engage, the more you'll grow, and more clients you'll convert.


😍 75 Unique Content Ideas

Why in the hell would I get this if ChatGPT can give me dozens in few second???🤦🏼‍♀️

Sure, ChatGPT can give you more than that, but what it can't give you is emotional connection that your audience is craving for.

See, it's not about posting tips and tricks. It's about how your posts make them feel.

Like my grandma used to say: "You're not going to love someone because 'they're good for you', but because of how they make you feel."

Make your dream clients love you for how you make them feel.


😍 100 Persuasive Subject Lines

Imagine every email you send out opens up, they read it, and they take actions!

Simply because you persuaded them from the first 2 seconds! Now they're intrigued wanting to find out more. Best part?? They're sold by the time you present your product/offers.

It is that simple! 75% of the job is done the moment they open up your email. And you get 100 most persuasive subject lines that makes people want to read more.


😍 Story Framework!

No more wondering what to write about. With the story framework you'll have endless ideas at your fingertips so you can write a story your audience will llove to read.

Know excatly why you're writing each story, and how it will help selling your offers or products.

The framework is designed to produce on demand story ideas that will scale your business.

Still on the fence about jumping into Money Making Content Engine?🤔

Hear it from others who have already taken advantage.🥰

Imagine growing on Social Media effortlessly and selling on your emails...🥰

🥰 You post exactly the type of content your audience wants.

🥰 You have plenty of time to do other things in your biz.

🥰 You are attracting your ideal client every day.

🥰 You are monetizing your content and getting booked.

🥰 You are delivering a clear message, and speaking directly to your audience.

🥰 You are nurturing your email list, and making sales on autopilot.

Let's quickly review everything you'll get with The Money Making Content Engine, shall we?🥹

😍 100 Email Scripts to nurture and sell to your list!

😍 100 Social Media Content Scripts to build trust, authority, and sell with ease!

😍 75 Eye Catchy Hooks to stop the scrolls and get them hooked!

😍 75 Unique Content Ideas to connect emotionally and convert easily!

😍 100 Best Persuasive Subject Lines to get them open your emails every time!

Best part?

*They're delivered in Trello, and Google Docs so you can have access on the go, and keep everything organized in one board.

You've dreamed enough, now let's get it done. ✅

You also might be thinking...🤔

😔Email marketing dosn't work.. or

😔No one reads emails, why focus on sending them...or

😔It's not that profitable anyways...or

😔Inbox is stuffed with meaningless pitches of "Buy my stuff"...or

😔It's so time consuming...

Let me tell you this:

You're not totally wrong. But here is the thing!

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to market your business. And am not the one telling you this. (Digital Marketing Association, 2019) says if you put $1 into email, on average you get $42 back.

4200% ROI!!! That's huuuge!

So...it does work! But it works with the right kind of email marketing strategy. And with the right kind of content templates that would make your audience read the emails, feel heard, and connected to your business.

That is the kind of email you'll be sending with these content templates.

Ready to get it DONE in a fraction of the time?

Oh.. and One Final Thing...

I want to offer you a full 30 days money back guarantee. 🥰

You get 30 days to try out, before you decide whether this is right for you.

I'm very confident that you'll be blown away by how much easier, and profitable the email and social media content are.

Since you've read this far, my gut tells me you're gonna dig The Money Making Content Engine too.

But if you're not over the moon happy...I've got you!

Just sent an email within 30 days of purchase and request a refund, and I'll give you your money back.

No questions asked!

Does that work?

As Harvey Mackay once said: "Time is free, but it's pricless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back."

Your business deserves to grow! You deserve to grow!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you offering ALL of this for such a low cost?

Because this price puts my done-for-you templates within reach of the vast majority of people. It's not too expensive for even the humblest beginner. Also, anyone who's not serious enough about their business to invest this small amount isn't going to take the time to use the templates anyway. From experience, I know that when people are not willing to invest, then no matter what, they’ll never actually do what it takes to be successful.

But truth to be told, the main reason why it is so cheap is that only a small percentage of people who buys it will love this so much that would want me to write their email & social media copy. So this is kind of my attempt at making a really good first impression here.

I have zero tech skills. Will this work for me?

Of course! You don’t have to be tech-savvy. All you need to know is how to copy and paste, and customize it based on your industry, and you can absolutely do all of this.

How is this different from other content templates?

There are thousands of experts out there offering templates. The one thing they all have in common is that they just give you a piece of the puzzle. Some of the "gurus" will have a content calendar full of holidays, and days off, and will try to keep their customers hooked to sell them what actually works. This is Not how I do things. I want to give you everything you need to create impactful content, and make money.

When do I get to start once I buy?

As soon as you enter your CC info, you’ll receive an email with all the information, and can start right away,

How much time will it take me to create my content?

Few minutes! Copy the script, fill in the blanks, paste it and you're done!

What if this isn't for me?

The Money Making Content Engine is designed for Service Based businesses, Product Based businesses, Content Creators, and anyone who wants to grow their business online, and generate leads from your content, but does not have the time to create content from scratch, nonetheless do any research. However:

There's a 30 day refund, so you don't have to worry. No questions asked!

Please email frida@yourdigitaloutlook.com if you have any more questions.

Who shouldn't get this?

Anyone who doesn't know how to copy and paste.

Still have questions?

Copyright © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.

Your Digital Outlook LLC FL, USA